Thursday, May 14, 2009

Whoa almost on time!

I know I surprise myself sometimes too! Only two days late....

So we are drawing closer and closer well we thought anyways, so we have 3 due dates now?!?!?!

We were so confused so we tried to figure it out after our last doctors visit when he said happily "well you are almost 36 weeks!" HUH? YOU MEAN 38 weeks????

Oh boy so at our original scan the doctor was adamant that the fetus was only 8 weeks. But since we knew our date of conception we were sure he was 10 weeks at the scan. So that put us on different due dates from the start. Kelly and I had June 1st down. The Doctor had June 6th or later.

Then at our 21 week ultrasound the technician actually said the baby was measuring for a May 25th due date?

Oh boy so we are all over the place.

So we could have 11 days, 19 days or longer UGH!

I guess in reality all that matters is that he comes out ready and healthy. But you do not want to hear you have an extra 2 weeks you weren't planning on.

so being typical Sean I will continue on in my defiance and aim for a June 1st due date. =)

At our weekly exam on Monday Jackson was still head down and his heartbeat was good. They did not do an internal (because of their calculated due date) so we don't know anything knew about the cervix. Kelly has been having more pelvic pain so I wouldn't be surprised if she has effaced a little more.

In good news Kelly was negative for strep B so no need for antibiotics during labor!

Wow this pregnancy has really gone pretty smoothly, I can't believe it will be over soon and I will get to meet my little boy!

In other super exciting news on May 8th at 6:40 AM my brother and his wife welcomed their new little boy. He is healthy and happy and I am sure excited to meet his new cousin Jackson in a few weeks!

I know Kelly and I were so jealous they got to meet their little guy and we are still waiting but we also are so excited for Lance and Jenny!

Nothing else too exciting just finishing up preparing for baby and checking things off the honey-do list.

Next appointment on Monday and they will be doing an internal this time so more news then.

The week 37 Belly!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

3 weeks you say?

So I have resigned to the fact that weekly blogging at this point is not happening. Work has been really nutty lately for both of us. Kelly is exhausted and I am not far behind her.

I think I have weeks 34, 35 and 36, to catch up on.

Like I said I am TIRED. So this may not cover everything that happened but you know how it goes...

In week 34 there were not many new changes just belly growing more. Kelly being tired and sore and finding it harder to get comfortable at night. We did experience baby hiccups for the first time. Really cute and puts a smile on your face when you feel them. poor little Jackson!!! I hate having hiccups.

Kelly started having a little bit of pelvic pressure this month and we think Jackson may have dropped down into her pelvis.

Here is week 34 belly

Week 35-

The end of this week marked the official beginning of the 9th month of pregnancy! Woo hoo.

Kelly and Ashley went and got pedicures which I know was a good treat they both enjoyed. We also got to show off a very pregnant Kelly and took Josie to Marymoore park or DOG HEAVEN seriously this place is unreal!!

Kelly's belly continues to drop a little lower and this week she felt quite a bit of pain in her pelvis and hips. To the point she had trouble getting into bed or walking at all. It even brought her to tears.

More hiccups from little Jackson which means he is probably swallowing amniotic fluid to practice breathing, good boy!

Kelly is once again hungry more often but now because of how big Jackson is she can only eat tiny meals before getting full.

Here is the week 35 Belly and a picture of my sympathy weight gain Belly oops! ( I am pushing it out as far as I can to make Kelly feel better =) )

Week 36-

In week 36 the pelvic pain continued a bit. We had an appointment with the OB on Monday. They did a strep B swab on Kelly and will let us know the results soon. Kelly mentioned the pelvic pain so he decided to do an internal check. His said Jackson is definitely head down at this point and that is the cause of all the pressure/pain. He also said Kelly was 50% effaced, so we are slowly preparing for labor. He told Kelly it could be any time now or weeks rom now but once she hit 37 weeks he would not try to stop labor. Wow we still have some things to get done we better get our butts in gear!

In other news my Sister-in-law has been 100% effaced and dilated to 4 cm for a few days now so we are expecting our new nephew literally any day now!!! Can't wait for the two cousins to play together in the future!! Hopefully they have as many adventures as Lance and I did!

So as of today 5/7/09 we have about 26 days left til our due date I hope it flies by. I cannot wait to hold my son in my arms and be a big proud papa bear.

week 36 Belly-

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Blogger: Epic Fail

Who knew it'd be so hard to keep up with this teeny blog. Ok who am I kidding I think my teachers actually nicknamed me Procrastination Rae in high school.
Ok so we need to catch up for week 30, 31, 32, and finally 33 since today is day 1 of week 34.

Week 30 Kelly went in for a prenatal visit and when they put the dopplar to her belly Jackson kicked it HARD. His heartbeat sounded great and Kelly is right on track for weight gain and how big her uterus was growing. This week things like putting on shoes and socks and rolling over in bed started to get a a bit harder for Kelly but she is a trooper and still goes on the 3 mile UPHILL walk with me and Josie every night.

Here is the week 30 picture

Week 31:
In week 31 we got to head home to the Tri-cities with our dear friend Ashley for Kelly's baby shower put on by my mother and Sister in law. Jenny.

Kelly was so excited to just be home and relax for a few days.

The shower was a ton of fun according to Kelly. We both cannot believe how much stuff we got. We are so thankful for our families and friends for taking care of us. There were literally piles of clothes, toys, diapers and other baby items.

We ended up leaving our TWO car seats and stroller at my parents house because there was absolutely no room in the car to bring it all home! Thank you again Ashley for the handmade baby blanket and for letting Josie pant and drool on you for 4 hours each way =)

I wasn't at the shower but I hear they played some games and ate goodies. I'll put some photos in here for you to see:

The three layer diaper cake created by Kelly's mother Cindy. Adorned with toys and rattles and anything a baby could ever want!
Soon to give birth to boy cousins...Kelly and my sister-in-law, Jenny

Kelly checking out our new stroller, a gift from her family! They take such good care of us!!

We cannot tell you how thankful we are to everyone for the amazing gifts. Kelly has been working super hard to get all the thank you cards out in a teimly manner. We are truly blessed!

Week 31 belly shot. Yes it is the same outfit as week 30 but I promise it is a NEW picture

Week 32

In week 32 we were so busy we actually didn't even take a belly photo! I know you are all devistated!...but we got week 33 so no fears!

In week 32 we are pretty sure Jacksons amniotic fluid reached max capacity, Kelly can now feel EVERY move he makes no matter how tiny, and we now know he is a lot more active than previously thought. He is always flipping or turning or moving a leg somewhere. He is running out of room though and there are less big kicks and more just watching an appendage roll across Kellys bell or seeing a big round thing poke out on one side and then disappear. We think he likes to do headstands and poke his butt out.

This week we got invited over for Dinner and at Kelly's boss' house. Chris his wife Jana and Kelly's co-workers Leslie and Jake were there. Little did we know they were throwing us a small shower too! The food was excellent and I always enjoy hanging out with Chris. He and I have decided to try out for hosting the soup when Joel Mchale finally throws in the towel. I know we would totally rock it.

He and Jana are expecting their second child as well. They were also overly generous and gave us some of their boy clothes that their first child has outgrown. What awesome friends!! Leslie and Jake also got us a wonderful gift and the most delicious cake I have ever tasted! Jake also has us in tears with his impression of a Texas accent. YEEHAW NEWT!

Cheers to fun times with great people!

Ok week 33, phew we are back up to date!

Week 33 was more of the usual except over the weekend we did a little bit of nesting. This consisted of me moving things all over the room until Kelly would break into tears and make me undo all my wonderful ideas. Ok maybe not QUITE that bad, but it was an adeventure.

It was fun and made everything very real again. We rearranged our room to make room for the crib and bassinette and maybe the changing table. Still deciding if we want to cohabitate with stinky diapers. We vaccummed our room for the 3rd time since living here. Don't do the math, it's gross. I took some clothes out of my drawer and started putting all the 0-3 month sized clothes in there. I stopped ,holding a tiny pair of socks, and thought "Oh my God he is going to be here so soon."

As I talked about earlier we got a lot of clothes. I filled the whole drawer and we still have a garbage bag STUFFED with baby clothes we haven't even looked at yet. So cool. We unloaded all the diapers into the closet, put the baby shampoo's powders and creams in the bathroom and moved all the toys upstairs too. We still aren't 100% ready but our little family love nest is taking shape! We need to get our carseats on this side of the mountains before we are stuck at the hospital with nothing to take Jackson home in =).

It's getting closer, Kelly has started talking about packing her bag for the stay.

She is hanging tough but you can tell she is tired, heavy, sore, and tired and tired and tired......I can tell she loves our son already but she's about ready to be done! Never the complainer though she just keeps on, working, studying for her PR class and being a great wife! Can you tell I am crazy in love with this woman?!

On Monday we had an appointment and I got to go. The doctors said everything is still going swimmingly. Jackson's heartbeat was the loudest we had ever heard it and the Doctor said he was laying head down that day. Maybe he will drop into the birth canal soon?

They let us know Kelly is RH positive so she will not have to get the RH shot which is nice, in 2 weeks we go back and they will do a strep B test then.

After our appointment we got to head over to the hospital and pre-register, then tour the birth center. The woman in the birth center was very nice and showed us the rooms which looked very cozy and even have patios you can go out on. They also told us they allow as much family as you want, which was not what the OB had told us. Kelly's only concern was that the beds did not look very comfortable, hopefully she won't be in it long!

We really can't complain so far the journey has been seamless, and hopefully the rest of it goes just as well. Hard to believe that in as little as 4 weeks we could be meeting our little man for the first time!!! Of course it could also be another 6 weeks. Only time will tell.

Here is the week 33 Belly, and heres to a quick and painless week 34!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

week 28 and week 29 are done

So the further along we get the worse I am getting about staying up to date. I guess not because it isn't exciting anymore, but because nothing extremely new is really happening. It's like once you have felt the baby bounce around and know the sex, it just becomes a waiting game and for Kelly more discomfort and growth.

In week 28 nothing majorly new happened. More shopping for baby stuff, more of Jackson kicking mommy.

In week 29 we started noticing Jackson really going crazy and Kelly says he is like a hamster in a wheel running in circles in there. Poor Kelly had a pretty bad cold most of this week and didn't get to do much.

I have to give a lot of props to my beautiful wife. I thought going into this whole ordeal, oh no I am going to see my sweet Kelly turn into a hormonal monster.

Just like always she has been even keeled and extremely vibrant and strong. She wakes up at 5 am every day with no gripes and somehow manages to wrestle her way into nice work clothes and heels and heads off to work for 14 hours, cooks dinner and still has time to cuddle with the dog and I and go for a walk.

Anybody else would be in a constant foul mood. I think this is exhibit A of why she will be the best mother in the world. I am so lucky to have my best friend with me to raise this child.

The time has come when putting on shoes requires sitting down on the ground first and getting off the couch takes a helping hand. Kelly talks about how heavy her belly is. I try to sympathize and show her my little buddah belly, she is not impressed! I also remind her cheerily only 12 more weeks to go dear, then duck in case a shoe might fly by.

Sometimes when we walk she gets really sore and starts to waddle, I put a hand on her hiney and help push her up the steep hills. =) That is a 'supportive' spouse!

Last night was one of life's precious moments. I came to bed late and crawled in and felt the covers moving all over. I could tell by her breathing that Kelly was asleep. So I crept my hand onto her belly and Jackson was going WILD. Kicking punching rolling. We may have a cirque de soleil member here! Once i realized Kelly was still out of it I smiled to myself in the dark, thinking he really does have a life of his own, does what he wants when he wants already. (and apparently is a night owl like his daddy) uh oh!!

I freaked myself out a bit last night researching when most women go into labor. I found quite a few who delivered between 35-37 weeks. WHAT?? I thought we were in for 40 and most likely 42-43. We don't even have a birth plan yet or a bag packed?

Maybe it is jumping the gun, but I bet those people who delivered at 36 weeks didn't have their bags packed either. So maybe we should start thinking about that soon.

I realized today that my foal was born a week after her dam's birthday, and Jackson is due about 1.5 weeks after Kelly's so maybe........( Sweetie if you are reading this, I am not comparing you to a fat mare =) )

We go in this coming monday for a prenatal visit. I feel like it has been forever because I missed the last one. Will be neat to hear his heartbeat and see what the doctors say about how close we are getting. I think after this week we bump up to coming every 3 weeks for a month, and then every 2 weeks until the last couple when we will go weekly until Jackson arrives.

The pregnancy calendars say Jackson should have some hair on his head now, should be interesting to see how he pops out. Kelly had some hair as a baby and I had a full flock of dark black curls. We also wonder about his eyes all the time. Kelly has brown eyes and mine are hazel/green, but we both have blue eyed fathers and siblings. So there is a 1 in 4 chance. Either way we will love him to pieces.

Kelly has a baby shower coming up on the 28th in the tri-cities. I know she is thrilled to go back home for a little while and see family. I just wonder how the 4.5 hour car rider is going to go. I better map out every rest stop from here to benton county!

Until next time i blog here are Kelly's Belly at week 28 and 29 respectively.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Week 27 over and week 28 almost over?

Sorry for the delay, but I didn't have a picture to post since Kelly has been so tired after work this week.

Week 27 flew by again, as usual. Jackson was busy kicking and dancing away. We can now feel him move on both sides of the belly at once. We assume punching and kicking in opposite directions. He gets really active whenever Kelly tries to go to bed, or if she sleeps in on the weekends.

Kelly is getting excited for the baby shower that is coming up the 3rd weekend of March in the tri-cities. She will get to go home and everyone will get to see her belly for the first time since christmas!

We are getting so excited to meet our little man. The baby clothes just keep rolling in and we couldn't be more grateful. We pick up random odds and ends here and there. Baby shampoo, baby powder, a nasal aspirator etc. Whenever we are at the store.

I really can't believe we are 88 days out from our due date now. It is still a good 3 months but the last 5 1/2 have just zoomed right by.

Kelly had been wearing my tshirts to bed but they now don't begin to cover her bump =)

we have some big decisions to make soon about where we will end up living etc. So say a prayer for us as our life is about to change again!

Here is Kelly at the end of 27 weeks

Friday, February 27, 2009

The countdown begins

Well we just finished week 26 on Tuesday and are in week 27. We finally broke into the double digits and as I write this blog we officially have 95 days until our official due date! Now we could go past that but we could also deliver before that too!!!!

This week was more of the same. Lots of Jackson bouncing around in Kelly's tummy. The books all say he can hear now. So I try to talk to him more and see if I can get a reaction. I have been dreaming about my little boy a lot lately. It makes my heart swell everytime I imagine all the wonderful memories we will make!

Kelly went to an appointment on wed. She had her blood drawn to test for gestational diabetes and she will hear back in a few days on the results. It was the first appointment that I missed and was sad I didn't get to hear Jacksons heartbeat this month!

Here is a picture of Kelly's belly at the end of week 26.

Until next week.....


Thursday, February 19, 2009

Oh boy where did 3 weeks go????

I know I know. THREE WEEKS

How does it fly by? Honestly Kelly and I have been going non stop and just been too tired and lazy to keep up. We vow to be better from now on.
I will try to summarize and bring up the important parts of the last 3 weeks as best I can.

In week 23 Kelly's belly button finally popped outwards and I got to feel Jackson kicking away inside mommy's belly. So neat knowing he is dancing around in there.

This was the last week of the honeymoon for Kelly so to speak. the second trimester was wonderful she had energy, felt good, and had been super happy all the time.

This was her end of week 23 Belly.

In week 24 we were so blessed to get so many baby outfits and odd and ends from both Kelly and I's mothers. This baby is gonna be spoiled by two wonderful grandmas!

In week 24 Kelly became ravenously hungry again. It was like flashbacks to 15 weeks pregnant when she had to eat literally every 2 hours. Regardless, she still has kept a lovely figure and is all belly and glowing!

We got more clothes sent to us by family and our dear friend Ashley. I knew nothing would fit in Kelly's closet so I hung the baby stuff in mine. it was so surreal to see this tiny lilttle shirts next to mine, and to think " oh my God, my son is going to be here soon!" I think is tickled Kelly as well so she took a picture of it.

A cool thing happened to Kelly this week. She was in the bathtub and Jackson let out a big kick and it sent ripples across the water!!!
Here is the end of week 24 belly shot and a picture with Kelly's face showing how gorgeous she is!

Week 25 came and went fast as well. Kelly is starting to waddle even more, and that belly button just keeps pushing out. When Jackson kicks Kelly will lay on her back and we can watch her skin and actually see where he kicks. That is the neatest feeling in the world. I can't wait until we can make out feet and such. How fun! Kelly has been tired again and even felt a bit of morning sickness, they say the 3rd trimester is a lot like the first and we can see why now. Technically we aren't in it until week 27, but I guess it came early. I am trying to just be comforting to her and remind her that it's not good for her nor the baby to stress. I really love this woman and admire her for working full time through her pregnancy. Which includes getting up at 5 AM every morning and getting home near 7 pm. She is my super sexy hero!

My little brother came up for a visit and brought us a bassinett from my mothers house. It is really nice and we are lucky we get to borrow it. Since diapers are so spendy anything we can borrow or have has been such a blessing!

Jackson kicks are now getting higher and Kelly's belly is expanding rapidly again so we know the little booger is really growing! I was just thinking WOW he is going to be here in 12 or so weeks! Not long at all! Well for the father anyway, I am not carrying him around, Kelly might feel differently =).
We finally registered on and actually got our first gift, a baby bjorn carrier from Kelly's coworkers Scott and Jessica. That was so kind of them and we hear they are expecting a little boy not too long after ours is due.
Here is the end of week 25 belly shot, we tried to have more fun this time, we compared Belly's in one picture and took one of the belly head on! Hope you enjoy...

Ok that's it for now. I WILL stay up to date as best as possible from now on.

We are now in week 26 and Kelly will have the glucose test on the 25th.

Look for a new picture on tues. The countdown will begin soon! We are almost down to double digits for the days left!

until next time

Sean- who loves the way his little boy kicks!